Seal Parish Council serves the communities of Seal, Seal Chart, Underriver, Stone Street, Bitchet Green and Godden Green.

There are 11 parish councillors, all are unpaid volunteers who give up their time for the benefit of the community in which they live or work. Elections are held every four years.

The role and objective of the Parish Council is the control and administration of parish matters through the elected members of the Council on behalf of the parishioners through liaison with Sevenoaks District Council.

The Parish Council has a number of responsibilities, some of them advisory within the local government structure and some direct.

Examples are:-


The parish council is a consultee for all planning applications in Seal parish. Planning applications are assessed by the parish council and its views are taken into account when Sevenoaks District Council, as the responsible planning authority, makes its decision.

Seal Pavilion and Recreation Ground

The parish owns Seal recreation ground and the pavilion. The recreation ground is mowed regularly and we have regular tree inspections. The car park is owned by the parish council and has space for around 40 cars.  All maintenance costs come from the parish council’s budget.

Grants and Donations

The council has powers to give small grants and donations to local bodies or community groups. There are strict rules limiting the donations that can be made in each financial year.


The parish council is often asked for its views on a wide range of issues that are decided by other bodies. This could include, for example, public transport, regional planning or community safety.

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